web 10/2024
A Visual Studio Code extension that provides useful snippets for developing with React Three Fiber, including commonly used patterns for `drei` and `leva`. Boost your productivity by quickly inserting boilerplate code for 3D applications!
web 10/2024
This VSCode extension provides 351 convenient MERN stack snippets, including MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, TailwindCSS, and JavaScript. Developers can quickly generate commonly used backend and frontend patterns by typing predefined keywords, streamlining the process of full-stack development. Perfect for enhancing productivity in building modern web applications.
web 4/2024
SMS — Social Media Shortcut is a lightweight Chrome extension that brings simplicity to your social media browsing. Whether you’re a social media manager juggling multiple accounts or a user who frequently visits a variety of platforms, this extension allows you to store, manage, and access up to 40 different social media websites with ease.
HTML CSS Interview Questions 11/2024
A collection of common HTML and CSS interview questions and answers, designed to help candidates prepare for job interviews. It covers topics such as layout techniques, forms, accessibility, and more.