MERN, NextJS and ThreeJS.
- 1. HTML
- 2. CSS
- 3. Tailwind CSS
- 4. Javascript
- 5. Typescript
- 6. ReactJS
- 7. NextJS
- 8. React Query
- 9. ThreeJS
- 10. React Three Fiber
- 11. Express
- 12. NodeJS
- 13. MongoDB
- 1. ChatGPT : Fast code generation
- 2. Grok : Deepsearch and All
- 3. Perplexity AI : For Regular search
- 4. Google Ai studio : Advisor for project building
- 5. Qwenlm : Fast code and Image generation
- 6. DeepSeek : Fast code generation
- 7. Microsoft Copilot : Code and Image generation
- 8. Github Copilot : Fast code generation
- 9. Meta AI : Image and GIF generation
- 10. Lexica : Image generation
- 11. Sora AI : Video generation
- 12. Eraser IO : Designing backend architecture
- 13. Gamma App : Project Presentation
- 14. Goole Notebooklm : Quick summarization and note taking
- 15. Stable diffusion : Image generation

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React Three Fiber Snippet - Vscode Extension
Popularweb 10/2024
A Visual Studio Code extension that provides useful snippets for developing with React Three Fiber, including commonly used patterns for `drei` and `leva`. Boost your productivity by quickly inserting boilerplate code for 3D applications!
VSCode ExtensionReact Three FiberSnippetsReact3D GraphicsWeb DevelopmentJavaScriptDreiCanvas3D ModelsWebGLOpenGLUser InterfaceFrontend DevelopmentJavaScript FrameworksTypeScriptVisitInstall - 2
MERN Snippets - Vscode Extension
Newweb 10/2024
This VSCode extension provides 351 convenient MERN stack snippets, including MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, TailwindCSS, and JavaScript. Developers can quickly generate commonly used backend and frontend patterns by typing predefined keywords, streamlining the process of full-stack development. Perfect for enhancing productivity in building modern web applications.
VSCode ExtensionSnippetsReactTailwindCSSMERN StackWeb DevelopmentJavaScriptFrontend DevelopmentProductivity ToolsCode EfficiencyDeveloper ToolsVisitInstall - 3
Social Media Shortcut - Chrome Extension
web 4/2024
SMS — Social Media Shortcut is a lightweight Chrome extension that brings simplicity to your social media browsing. Whether you’re a social media manager juggling multiple accounts or a user who frequently visits a variety of platforms, this extension allows you to store, manage, and access up to 40 different social media websites with ease.
Chrome ExtensionSocial MediaProductivityWeb DevelopmentJavaScriptReactUser ExperienceUI/UX DesignFrontend DevelopmentBrowser ExtensionsCustomizable LinksVisitInstall - 4
HTML CSS Interview Questions
NewHTML CSS Interview Questions 11/2024
A collection of common HTML and CSS interview questions and answers, designed to help candidates prepare for job interviews. It covers topics such as layout techniques, forms, accessibility, and more.
HTMLCSSInterview QuestionsWeb DevelopmentFrontendVisit
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Tesla Car walkthrough - React Three Fiber
popularweb 10/2024
This project utilizes Next.js and React Three Fiber to render and interact with 3D models on the web. The application features smooth scroll-based animations using ScrollControls and OrbitControls, making it responsive across devices. The 3D models are loaded using GLTF, and the UI is styled with TailwindCSS. Deployed on Vercel, the project showcases modern frontend development techniques with an emphasis on performance, responsiveness, and user interaction.
Next.jsReact Three FiberScrollControlsReactTailwindCSS3D ModelsOrbitControlsGLTFResponsive DesignVercel DeploymentFrontend DevelopmentGithubLive - 2
Landing Page - React Three Fiber
newweb 10/2024
This project is a visually immersive pet animal website built using Next.js and React Three Fiber. It features interactive 3D models, seamless scrolling with ScrollControls, and a responsive design styled with TailwindCSS. Deployed on Vercel, it offers an engaging and dynamic user experience across devices.
Next.jsReact Three FiberScrollControlsReactTailwindCSS3D ModelsOrbitControlsGLTFResponsive DesignVercel DeploymentFrontend DevelopmentGithubLive - 3
Stock Management App - NextJS
web 09/2024
Stock management app built with Next.js, TailwindCSS, and MongoDB, featuring product CRUD operations, real-time filtering with debouncing, server-side rendering (SSR), and responsive design. Deployed on Vercel for seamless performance.
ReactNode.jsMongoDBReactJSNext.jsAPI-RESTTailwindCSSVercelGithubLive - 4
Blogging Website - NextJS
web 09/2024
We're building a blog website with Next.js, featuring a homepage that lists multiple blog posts with short descriptions. Each post has its own dynamic page using Next.js routing. We've styled the site for a clean, responsive design and created reusable components to manage the blog content efficiently.
reactwebsitenextjsfullstack-developmentblogging-platformvercel-deploymentVercelGithubLive - 5
Foodiedelight Hotel Management App - MERN Stack
web 07/2024
The Hotel Management System is a comprehensive web application designed to streamline the management of hotel operations. Built with React on the frontend and Express.js on the backend, this system provides an efficient and user-friendly interface for managing hotel data, including restaurant details and menu items.
hotel-management-systemreactexpressjsfullstack-developmentweb-applicationrestaurant-managementmenu-managementbackend-apifrontend-developmentuser-friendly-interfaceGithub - 6
Todo App - MERN Stack
Developed a Todo application using Node.js and React, enabling users to create, edit, and delete tasks. Implemented features like task filtering, due dates, and user authentication. Utilized MongoDB for data storage and Express.js for server-side functionality. Responsive design ensures seamless usage across devices.
todo-appreactnodejsvitetailwindcssaxiosreduxredux-toolkitreact-router-dommongodbcrud-operationsjwt-authenticationsecure-logintask-managementGithub - 7
Reactjs blogs on Medium
blogsMedium Blog - Explore my portfolio showcasing creative web development projects, demonstrating expertise in modern technologies. Experience innovative designs and efficient solutions tailored to meet diverse client needs.
reactjsblogsmediumweb-developmentfrontend-developmentjavascriptreact-hooksreact-tutorialsreact-best-practicesprogramming-blogsGithubLive - 8
Threejs blogs on Medium
blogsMedium Blog
Our portfolio blog covers a variety of essential topics for modern web development, focusing on tools like React, Tailwind CSS, and Three.js. From installing and configuring Tailwind in React projects to enhancing web performance, each blog post dives deep into practical use cases and coding best practices. We also explore exciting features such as 3D animations, mesh materials, and text in Three.js, making complex concepts easy to understand. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, our portfolio aims to provide clear, concise, and actionable insights to help you improve your web development skills.
We offer freelance web development of MERN, NextJS and ThreeJS.
We are a dynamic team dedicated to providing high-quality software solutions. Our mission is to empower businesses with innovative technology and exceptional service.
Services We Provide
- Web Development
- MERN Stack App Development
- Nextjs website development
- Threejs website development
Technologies We Use
- React.js
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Tailwind CSS
- Next.js
- Three.js
- React Three Fiber